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Boot Camp 1 -

Self Empowerment in Learning

I am one of the organizing committee of the Boot Camp 1, it was an unforgettable experience for me. I have found that there are still a lot of things that I need to improve, such as the communication with my teammates, working attitude. Although we make many mistakes during the preparation work, we can still build up the relationship with the organizing committee by trusting one and other.

I was one of the MC in the boot camp 2. Since this is the first time I was being MC, I found that adaptability is important. As there are many situations that I can't predict. And there were few matters that I need to improve. We should go through all the details with Project Manager and coordinate with them well. Also, my speech didn't prepare well, I made a lot of mistakes when I held the ceremony. If I have the chance to be MC again, I will prepare well and communicate with others before the ceremony.

Boot Camp 2 -

Self Leadership in Academic Pursuit

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